Hi Friends and Family,
Hope this note finds you all doing well. We have heard of some awful winter storms, please keep safe and warm!
The thermometer on our vehicle reached 99 on Sunday coming back from the "bush" villages.
We had a wonderful weekend visitiing Makeni, Lunsar and Port Loko.
Bill, Norman and Van arrived last weekend and it has been onstop activity. They came during convention and then Monday had tour of Bethel, Tuesday Fieldservice, Wedsnesday Visit into Freetown City and the markets, Thursday Service, Friday,Saturday and Sunday travel and staying upcountry in villages.
I wont give too many details, cause I know they will want to tell all.
Dennis and i have our Sierra Leonean Drivers Licences now so we can get around much easier. We still have our driver David though, he really helps alot with errands and helping watch the children if they come back to the vehicle from service before we do.
Our vehicle was overloaded with supplies for the weekend, so I rode a motorcycle. driven by our driver David, from our home to Makeni, a three hour plus ride. It was lots of fun. Riding through the mountain roads was amazing, and then the African Plains. Jah is wonderful! Norman rode the motorbike home Sunday Night.
Lunsar was amazing. There are three publishers there, all sisters. The one Elder from Port Loko conducts the watchtower and bible study on Saturday afternoon for the small group. We joined in the morning for service, mostly working the market area with the tract campaign. We were swamped by people and placed every bit of literature we had in our bags, could've placed much much more. Most have never been preached to. It was good doing the market, because some of the buyers will carry the message back to there more outlying villages. So many are still unasigned, the area is just so vast.
I am trying to attach photos, one of the outdoor meeting in Lunsar, one of the friends in Port Loko where we went for Sunday, and one of the service group in Port Loko kingdom hall after meeting. Hope they upload, if not I will try another time. Our internet has been acting up again.... sorry for missing IM times and emails. Thankyou for the comments posted, those we know for sure made it through for communication.
Convention was fabulous! Kadi, who lives with us, was baptized. She has made such wonderful progress! We had over 2000 in attendance everyday! Last year our goal was to reach 2000, we reached it Sunday afternoon. This year we were passed it everyday, how wonderful to see so many new ones learning the truth.
Little Monkey Dexter is doing good, he is very layed back and easy going. Very very quiet. He really likes his cage and will stay in even with the door open. He is able to wander around the house and wont get into things, he is really good. We had the vet come a couple times, because the previous owners did not care for him well and he had sores and abrashions, he is doing very well now and has healed fine. He is even starting to make little "talking" sounds.
So much more I could tell, but don't want to spoil it for our visitors, we will wait til they have returned to divulge too much more :)
Take care, Lorie