Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Hi all, for those in the heat wave, hope you are staying cool.

Summer temps were slow in arriving but are now on full force. Our yardsale went very well, even had some interest shown on the house.

Kadence, our 6 year old daughter in Sierra Leone is doing well. I spoke with Sister Samora last week, she said Kadence had been sick, nothing serious, and was in school taking exams.

Here is a clip from an email from William and Claudia Slaughter, our missionary friends in SL,

"Happy to hear from you and to know that all is going well. Every thing is going well hear.
The biggest problem is to many Bible studies. The grates joy in service is the house to house
but every time you go someone wants a study. If you agree to do it then you have less time
for house to house. Please hurry back we need the help. "

they have been in SL for over 18 years. Lyam was his service buddy while we were there in February and March. Lorelle and I both enjoyed going on studies with Claudia. Thought you would enjoy reading.

Thankyou for the emails we have been receiving. Please note that we are using instead of Dennis' email account for personal emails. Yahoo is more accessible in Sierra Leone.

Take Care, Lorie

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Constructing A Move

Hi Family and Friends,

Our preparations are coming together well for the big move. This Saturday June 9 we will have our yard sale and next week the house goes on the market. I am so thankful for the loving support shown and the wonderful internet, that keeps us connected with friends and family around the world.

Our tenative move date is September, we haven't locked in tickets yet, but are working on it.

We received an email from Sierra Leone Branch last week, they noted that memorial attendance was over 8,000 with publishers at 1, 700. Things sure are busy.

Kadence is doing well in school and was able to visit with our friends from Port Loko after the assembly day. There is about a 6 mos. difference in Assembly and Convention schedule, we will attend District Convention again in December.

I am hoping to post once a week to this blog site to keep in touch. I thouroughly enjoyed emailing while on my trips, but it wasn't always reliable, after arriving home we learned of emails that never reached their destinations. We hope this is more reliable and no one ever feels left out. Please feel free to share this site.
