Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Here are some photos to go with the new "summer time" post below, enjoy!

We think of you often, sorry can't get on line as much as we would like, internet is slow and sparatic, but we are so thankfull for the contact,
Take Care, Lorie

Yes, someone taller than Dad!
The four little ones, not so little anymore!

Dexter enjoying being out of his cage, he is doing really good.

Pioneer School, what a priveledge for Dennis and I to go a second time and with Shelby!

Pioneer School Class

check out the boots for the reader for meeting, yes rainy season is here

happy, happy service group CO week, Lyam in background in green raincoat, Dennis up on hill in center, hard to see....

DJ......... helping dad build dog pen, this month has had a lot of woodworking, Dad and the kids made screen doors too

village water was shut off for four days, but with rainy season, no shortage of water for washing, boys enjoying a shower outside

Hunter riding bike with Daniel

summer time

Amazing Color
Beautiful Creation

Lyam and Denys

Trying out a village swing, out in service.

Kids Family Photo

Hello Friends and Family,

We are doing well, settled in and having a wonderful summer full of activity.

The CO visit just ended, the congregation was very entusiastic eventhough it is rainy season.

We have 21 publishers, 2 of which are away right now, yet we had 31 in field service on Wednesday! Lots of young soon to be publishers in the congregation. It is fun for the kids to have so many children to be with.

The rains have gotten heavy now, we planted a garden and did some yard work, the place is really looking nice. There are so many little birds, butterflies and other insects. Some are so beautiful! There are two little tiny red birds that come around, they are leary though so I haven't gotten a picture yet......

We invited two young brothers from Kissy Congregation to spend a couple weeks of their summer vacation with us. They had a wonderful time, it was especially fun for Lyam and Hunter to have two "big brothers" to give them bike rides. Even in the pouring summer rains! Lots of mud, they had lots and lots of fun.

Preaching last week, Hunter and I approached a porch with a student studying, a fisherman mending a net and another older gentleman standing. When we approached Hunter said he wanted to talk................... as we aproached the man standing asked what we were there for, Hunter said "Preaching" the man said "What can a small boy teach me?" , I thought Hunter might back down as the man was a bit overbearing, but Hunter didn't back down. He introduced himself, greeted the man and proceeded to say "let me show you John 17:3, he than proceeded to read it to the man and explain what Knowledge was, learning, and that two things were needed to get to the everlasting life, Knowledge of God and Knowledge of Jesus. He was able to continue to share points from scriptures with him and during the conversation another man came from inside the house, he listened too and said he had attended meetings in the past in the city congregation and enjoyed reading the Watchtower and Awake magazines.
May Jah be with you and guide you,