Sunday, February 7, 2010


Hello Friends and Family,

Thankyou for your patience in waiting for an update! We have been extremely busy.

It was heart wrenching to pack and return to the US, we had hoped to stay in Sierra Leone longer and were enjoying our new home and congregation there. However with lifes twists and turns we are back in the US. We plan to return to Sierra Leone in the winter to attend the convention in January 2011.

We still have our rental in Sierra Leone and are happy to know that some friends have been able to visit and stay with the wonderful family that is "caretaking" for the home while we are not able to be there.

The children are all doing very well. We did have some flus and colds our first month or so here in NH, that was to be expected with adjusting to the cold :)

We are enjoying the ministry and have even been able to meet some in a neighboring territory from Sierra Leone, we hope to keep up with our Krio and expand with Krio ministry here in NH.
There are many Sierra Leonians in Manchester and Concord area.

Dexter the Monkey is doing well with his new family, although we miss him very very very much! He is living with his friend Monkey Tigo :) and our dear friends who have many children also so we know he is getting lots of attention :)

We have a new pet, a goldfish named Pudge. One will be enough pets as we hope to be on the go, we will continue homeschooling as to keep our travel and volunteering options open.

Kadence has enjoyed being in the US, it is truly a relief to all of us to all be united and know it is final and permanent. She likes the snow and hot chocolate! Although last week she informed us that winter was toooooo long! She thought it would be about 6 to 8 weeks like rainy season in Sierra Leone, big surprise!

Hope this note finds you well, staying warm if you are in a cold climate and cool if you are in a hot climate :)

Swift Family