Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Constructing A Move

Hi Family and Friends,

Our preparations are coming together well for the big move. This Saturday June 9 we will have our yard sale and next week the house goes on the market. I am so thankful for the loving support shown and the wonderful internet, that keeps us connected with friends and family around the world.

Our tenative move date is September, we haven't locked in tickets yet, but are working on it.

We received an email from Sierra Leone Branch last week, they noted that memorial attendance was over 8,000 with publishers at 1, 700. Things sure are busy.

Kadence is doing well in school and was able to visit with our friends from Port Loko after the assembly day. There is about a 6 mos. difference in Assembly and Convention schedule, we will attend District Convention again in December.

I am hoping to post once a week to this blog site to keep in touch. I thouroughly enjoyed emailing while on my trips, but it wasn't always reliable, after arriving home we learned of emails that never reached their destinations. We hope this is more reliable and no one ever feels left out. Please feel free to share this site.



Rita E. Hebert said...

I am so excited about your move to Africa. I am so proud of your family for wanting to expand your ministry. The time is so reduced and we need to do all we can to tell others about Jehovah and to bring honor to His name. Your family inspires me to do all I can to more fully serve Jehovah. I thank Jehovah for your moving to Wolfeboro and for how you have touched my life. You are a gift from Jehovah to my African brothers. However, with that being said, I want the gift BACK in two years. :-)
Love Ya

Addy said...

Hi Lorie, got your blog. Thankyou for all the support you have been to me. I know it was not easy with all you have to do to get ready for your trip. I would love to come sat. and help you with your yard sale.I can't do any lifting but I can walk around and oversee things. I hope I can help with the yard sale.I could come on Firday and help you set up and sleep over.Then I will be there in the morning. Please let me know. The assembly was wonderful, so upbuilding.I really needed it.Thankyou for going with me.I hope I can be a suport to you. Love MOM.

Don Bean said...

Hi Dennis & the Swift Crew,
Sharon and I are very excited for you and your family (crew). As you know we have a very busy construction season here in NH RBC, and your presence and big smile will be missed. Give our love to our African brothers and sisters. Our Prayers are with you.
Talk to you later.
Don & Sharon

Unknown said...

Hey, Swift Crew! Greetings from Patterson Bethel! Got a question for you. Can you tell me the dates of any upcoming District Conventions in S.L. or nearby countries if you are aware? I understand that the D.C.'s in western Africa are in the early part of the year. Thanks for the help! Tim F. PS--Love to the family!