Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sunny and Hot.... in December?

Hi, this is Shelby. As I said it is sunny and very hot today, it is hard to imagine it is December. We heard that everyone in NH has lots of snow, please enjoy it for us. The boys miss sledding, but do like to play outside everyday in the sunshine.
Mum is home this afternoon, she went in service this morning with lots, and lots of walking. We have the District Convention Tract campiegn now for the Follow the Christ Convention. So they are working far out territoies with lots of walk because you are so breif not talking and sharing scriptures for ten to fifteen minutes. She may be able to come email tomorrow but if not don't worry. We are just very busy with service and we are getting our routine down we had to change some things with Dad working and not here with us.
We miss him very much!!! Lorelle and Shelby are feeling much better, they have got over the cold tht was going around. It is just like the winter colds in NH and nothing to worry about.
Brother Howard came over last night and played Checkers with Shelby, he taught her African checkers. It was very fun, Shelby lost every game but she doesn't mind. Br. Howard learned that Shelby wanted to be a nurse in the future so he got her a gift to encourage her to keeping going with that goal. A stethoscope and blood pressure meter they are so cool. Kadence and DJ liked being able to hear their heart beat and they thought the blood pressure meter was giving them more muscle, Shelby couldn't help but laugh.
We have had National power every night for the past week it is so nice some times it stays all night and frezes all our water. Which quickly thaws out in the heat. It is nice we have running water almost all day and eletricity almost all night. It is so nice. When Shelby first came to visit two years ago there was never runnign water or eletricity. We stiil have the genorator and buckets of water on hand just in case.
Nothing really special going on the kids are doing good in school and Mum. and Lorelle have been going in service. We are getting in to a nice routine.
Please continue to email we love to hear from you. We send our warm greetings and Christian love.

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